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SJC 2008 - Thriving Lunatics Massed Blissfully

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DSCF1240 Where are we? DSCF1243 Moons DSCF1245 Headband DSCF1246 Ear suction
DSCF1250 Wings DSCF1253 Target DSCF1257 Claws DSCF1263 Placement
DSCF1269 This week it's a rollover DSCF1271 A cross to bear DSCF1273 It's just you and me, kid DSCF1279 Needs to work on his trumpet grip
DSCF1289 The old DSCF1297 Bow DSCF1299 Cast DSCF1301 Unaware of impending poncho salesman's approach
DSCF1306 How to amuse a weeping giggler DSCF1312 It's wet out? Well put it back in then! DSCF1328 Consideration of applause levels DSCF1329 Go on then, impress us if you can
DSCF1332You, over there, now! DSCF1333 Shy Matt DSCF1349 Through the round window DSCF1351 Cross bones, cross Andrew

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